Tuesday 31 August 2010

Hakuba - Day 1 - Sunday

We arrived safe and sound in Hakuba, found our campsite, pitched up just before dark and got to a restaurant - the place was like a ghost town, and we shared teh restaurant with one other party. It was a Mexican restaurant, 'Uncle Steve's' and did a better imitation of 'ethnic' food than most other Japanese establishments!

On the Sunday, we decided to do a bit of exploring to see what was around. Hakuba hosted many of the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic events, including the Men's Downhill skiing and the ski-jumping. We decided to go and look at the jumps - they were huge! There were some guys ski-jumping on them too (wet jumping)

In the afternoon, we drove down to Lake Aokiki, where the kids camped, and spent a lovely afternoon swimmng in the lake, diving off the little boat launching pier, and having underwater swimming competitions.

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