Wednesday 20 April 2011

The Yokohama Space Centre

Last week I took a day off work to look after Felix and Neve whilst Julie was at work. We went to Yokohama which is a about 35 mins away on the train. It the next city around the bay to the west of Tokyo.

The Hamagin Space Centre is located here. Although our kids are on holiday all the Japanese kids are still at school so the place was deserted. I think there were only two or three other kids in the building. We had all the place to ourselves.

We started in the planetarium which is part planetarium and part IMAX cinema. It was great. The kids had never been to one of these before, it beats 3D cinema.

Then we went through all the exhibits having a go on everything. The astronaut gym was the best bit. I expect at the weekend you would have to queue for some time to have a go on the best things. Felix and Neve had multiple go's on everything, even I got to have a play.

Out the front of the Space Centre. It was sunny day

Felix and Neve in space

Neve in the planetarium. You can see the planetarium machine in the background

This was great Marble Madness machine in the basement

This machine pushed air bubbles up through a tank of oil

You could design all sorts of strange vehicles. This is Felix's design

This is Neve's design

They had an electricity lab. This is 400,000 v flowing around a piece of glass

This machine counter balanced your weight to simulate walking on the moon. You could jump way up in the air

You climbed inside this machine and guided it around the targets to light them up. Neve is on the way back having hit all of the targets

Neve was controlling these three polystyrene balls in the air flows from the nozzles

On this machine you had to drop balls into the different holes

This fish tank was completely sealed. It was a mini planet of life

After we left the space museum we had lunch in the park and then headed over the hill to the Omoshiroi Rogu Hausu (the interesting log house)

Apparently the local government build 18 log cabins around the area for children to play in. It was free to get in and the kids can clamber all over the building including under the floor. We played in here until kicking out time at 1700. This pictures was taken after the kids had left.

Once we had left the Rogu Hausu we headed back into central Yokohama to visit China Town. Yokohama has one of the biggest and oldest Chinese communities in Japan

This was a temple located in the centre of town

All the main roads in to the area had big arches

Mummy lion with paw on baby lion!

We had dinner in restaurant up the top of these stairs. All around was a traditional dragon dance costume including the head

This was funny souvenir stores that Neve said was Jamaican. It certainly was not Japanese or Chinese

Arty picture of hotel with lots of balconies

Main street in China Town

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