Monday 20 September 2010

Bank Holiday Monday in Tokyo

Monday 20th Sept was national holiday in Japan and also Sasha's last day staying with us. Unfortunetely the kids still had to go to school. Sasha and I set out at 0700 to drop Felix at school for cricket practise, then we jumped on train to Ryogoku, home of Ryogoku Kokugikan. This is National Sumo stadium. There are only three tournaments a year in January, May and September so we were really lucky to find one on whilst Sasha was here. By going early we guaranteed getting the cheap tickets at £15, ring side seats cost around £150 each! As we got off the train we started to see a steady stream of Sumo heading for the staduim. They are easy to spot as they are a little larger than the regular Japanese, they wear kimono and carry a Dick Whittington style handbag.

Once we had tickets we waited for Julie to arrive having dropped Neve off at school. In the morning the lower ranks compete which means the stadium is hardly occupied. We tried to get in to the ground floor to get really close to the Dohyo (Ring) but we got directed up to the circle. Here we could take seat right at the front rather than seat at the back to which our ticket entitled us.

We watched a few hours of bouts. We didn't stay till the end of the day when the top ranking sumo compete but it was still good fun. Next till we will come back with the kids and watch the action at the end of the day.

These are the posh seats. You remove your shoes and seat 4 people to each square

Flags of major sumo and the drum tower

'Fat Boys' on way to work!

This is Dohyo with Shrine like roof and ropes on each corner for each season. Around it sit the 5 judges and the next 4 sumo to compete. The referee stands in the ring with the Sumo

At lunchtime we headed for Roppongi and a restaurant call Gonpacho. This restaurant was the inspiration for the restaurant in the Kill Bill fight scene with the Crazy 88. If you have never seen the Kill Bill movies then you won't know what I am talking about.

Follow link to see the scene. Note the movie in an 18 and there is plenty of blood in this scene. Not for children and those of nervous disposition. You have been warned. Felix, if you follow this link I will dock one weeks pocket money!

We had really good set menu Japanese food. First time we could take Sasha to Japanese restarent as no kids with us today.

Uma Thurmans boots (well almost, they are from an official Kill Bill press pack)

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