Thursday 2 September 2010

Hakuba - Day 3

Today, we needed a relaxing day! We had a late and leisurely breakfast in our little camp

Neve preserving her modesty!

Then Felix and I got bored and decided to explore the river which ran by the side of the campsite. Starting very gingerly, we dipped our feet in the shallows on the edge of the (typically very concreted to be controlled!) river, but gradually, we got a bit braver, and clothes started to be removed.

Then Ross and Neve joined us, and we went into the main river. The river was about 80 feet wide, but at this time of year was not very full, however there were some strong rapid bits with lots of big rocks, and therefore waterfalls.

Julie Not preservering her modesty!
As might be expected, the clothes kept coming off, and we got more and more brave until eventually we were naked and fully submerged! It was fab - the most powerful jakuzzi you could ever have - gave you bum a really good pummeling! and also there was a 'rapids' bit where you could lie and be whooshed down the river - we had such fun - lots of squeeling and screaming. What was so funny was that several Japanese families (who we have learnt are a very risk averse nation) had come into the shallow pool bit and were dipping their hand in - actually getting their hands wet (whoohoo!) and taking photos of this - they must have looked over at us and thought we were totally mad!! Such fun!

In the afternoon, Ross went to Hakuba 47 to catch the gondola and ski jumps up, then mountain bike down, whcih he enjoyed, but decided that it was a bit beyond the rest of us!

Whilst he was away, the kids and I built a camp-fire (Ross had said we weren't allowed to do this, so we'd had to wait until he was gone!) and the kids had a great time building a little wall for the fire, and gathering dry wood.

then we went to teh Onsen (hot springs) near the camp which we were suppsed to use for washing (there were no washing faciliites on the site). The procedure is that there's a boys and girls pool, you go in and wash and shower, then you get into the pool itself. These pools are heated by volcanic hot springs. OMG it was scorchio - ridiculously hot - Neve and I got our toes in and struggled to get any further. One of the 'old bids' kindly showed us the cold hose which we had to put near our bodies to finally get it. It was cloudy, smelt very surphurous, and had the yellow sulphourous crust you might expect. Well we stayed in for about 3 minutes, whilst all teh Japanese bids lay and chatted - Neve and I were boiling, and were glad to get out (it must have been well over 40 degrees). WE thought Felix would already be in the main foyer, but he'd stayed in longer than us, and got fully submerged without the need of a hose - amazing!

After this, we cycled to the Justco (supermarket) and bought foodl for a BBQ. We then had a lovely evening BBQing Yakitori (chicken on skewers) pumpkin, sweetcorn, and marshmallows on the fire (so we didn't stay fresh smelling for very long!!)

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