Saturday 29 May 2010

Easter Day - 4th April

So, after days of frantic packing (we really did leave it to the last minute) we've finally arrived!

I've no idea how 4 people managed to carry so much stuff, but amazingly it all fit into the car of Ross's colleague who had kindly come to pick us up. Poor chap nearly had a coronary when he saw all the stuff! A detour to Ross's office to pick up even more stuff really had us crammed in like sardines, but we managed to get to our apartment in one piece.

Our apartment is lovely, 'small and bijou' I think you'd describe it in a brochure! In true Japanese style it was heated to about 25 degrees - we turned this down as soon as the letting agent had gone. Ross and his friend went off to collect the second hand stuff Ross had managed to procure, and the kids and I set off to find a shop to buy some food. After a 20-hour journey, no sleep and a hideous time-delay the 2km treck to the supermarket was an effort (poor Macken kids!!) OMG what is there to eat - shelves upon shelves of unidentifiable things in bags and boxes, and 'vegetables' which we'd never seen before - then there was the bits of sea-creatures, tentacles, eyes, squigy things - YUK YUK YUK!!!

We found some rice, noodles, spinchy looking stuff, fruit juice, and goma (sesame seeds) - surely we could make something with that!

Ross arrived back with some pots, pans, a sofa, and enourmous tele and some cooking utensils. Some food was created - but the kids point blank refused, and went to bed, presumably, very hungry!!

Things could only get better!

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