Sunday 30 May 2010

Sunday 30th May

I have a hangover. I am blaming this on our Ozzy Neighbours who kept us drinking beer until the early hours! It seemed like a good idea at teh time. Also learned that Mark has written a book about their stay in the Middle East, and at some point in the evening he went up and retrieved a copy, which he signed in a drunken drawl. Whilst incapacitated this morning, I started reading the book - what a fab read!

We had a much needed chilled weekend. Saturday was spent doing normal boring things, then we had our Japanese lesson - it's really hard! This would be so much easier if we were learning a language we had learned at school! Then we were made to schlep round Ross's fave store - Bic Camera, which has floors and floors of electronic gadgetry (for example there were 12 different sets of digital weighing scales!) Bought a pink hairdryer which says it has ionising capacity - have not a scooby what this means, but it looks like it makes your hair nice, so I paid teh extra £5 for nice looking hair). After floor 3 were very bored, and found the TV section, so we watched the world cup warm up matches - we're really isolated from it all here, don't even know when it all kicks off - so made note to self to find out!

Felix had his mate, Flynn, over for a sleepover. Then we made the pivotal decision to invite Mark and Suzie round for a 'quick beer', which turned into many beers, and a shared super (poor Flynn - felt a bit bad that we rather ignored him, fed him pizza, cake, then toast and Nutella for breakfast - still they seemed to have fun!)

Ross took the boys to rugby this morning, whilst Neve acted a very good nurse bringing her poor over-indulgent mother buttered toast in bed!

In the afternoon, we ventured off to this 'bohemian' district a couple of stops away from us called Shimo-Kitazawa - a fun place to spend a couple of hours wondering around. Highlight of the trip was seeing this bizarre cat - outside a cafe, sat a man with a rather fat cat lying supine on his back (the cat's back that is!), with a blanket over said cat. The cat was wearing a rucksack and a hat. Everyone was just walking by as if this was quite normal - we rude Westerners gawped! Wished we'd had the camera - another note to self to take it places.

Kids ate their rice and tempura veg for tea - hooray!! Neve also made a 'tarte aux pommes' having seen her French friend's Mum make on - it was most tasty! Feel like the kids might have finally gotten round to the concept that this is the food you get here!

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