Friday 28 May 2010

Friday 28th May

Day of ups and downs. Trying to arrange for Neve to have a friend to play, either today or tomorrow (Felix is having a friend for a sleepover). Everyone we called was busy - these kids spend their lives on playdates and sleepovers, and I'm not quite up to speed on this hectic schedule!

Anyway, as a result of all my calling around, I find out that there's a parent's school trip organised today to this beutiful old 'Edo' (old Japanese) village, with a monthly market, and it's a lovely hot sunny day today. I was gutted, becuase there was no way I could not turn up at work today, however, if I'd found out earlier, I could have arranged it as such. It started me thinking again - there's this really strange 'microculture' here - like we're living in an insular social 'bubble', with friendships 'swinging' promiscuously from one to another - not really sure whether I want to be in the bubble or not... but it does really help the kids, and the little town did look fun! - so, on balance, I decided that I really was gutted.

Anyway, the silver living to this cloud was that it highlighted the fact that our emails from the PTA are not working (so I fixed this) and there is a short trip next week, which I am def going on!

So trudged off to work. Now, the culture at work is completely different - they're there for the duration, so there's this very homely cohesive culture. I decided that this is a nice atmosphere for when every other bedrock in your life has earthquaked away!

So the big news at work, for me, is that they want me to go to Korea on Monday for a sales training day (the Product Manager's English is very basic, and the training's all in English) I jumped at the chance! So feeling very up! Then learn that the flight back on Wednesday doesn't get in 'til 9pm, and Ross can't take more time off work, and I wasn't sure if I could organise another day of 'playdates', so changed the flights to an earlier time - now feeling down becuase have missed my sightseeing morning, then the HR lady finds out that I need a visa, so said I couldn't go - very very down. Then we find out that, if I go as a tourist, I don't need a visa. Big Boss, KK, says he wants me to go and pretend to be a tourist, So now up again!! STRESS!!!

The school had organised a 'rock night' where pupils of 7,8,9,and 10 played songs -but rather than hymns or beetles classics, they were actually proper songs! (sorry Paul and John!). We had kind of dismissed it, but becuase we'd had such a socially inadequate day, we decided to go along after school. It was amazing - all the kids performed, and the last 'band' was a 'proper' band with the most amazing guitarist who can only have been 14. Felix was bored, because he found none of his friends there, but Neve had a great time, sitting on the stage waving her arms around with a couple of girls in her class.

Another argument for my theory of this school 'microculture' - the kids all looked really fashionable, and were clearly considered cool by their friends and peers, but I wondered how they would fare walking through town at home; the Japanese fashionistas would most certainly be gawped at!!

Today's sillly slogan: [written across the bum on a pair of sweat pants] 'Strong Current' (surely some clothes designer having a laugh at the poor Japanese's expense!!

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