Sunday 27 June 2010

Hectic weeks!

The last couple of weeks have been a bit mad, hence no blogs. I've been finishing off a project I started in the UK for GlowWorm - great to know that it's feasible to work over here, but clashed with the end of term, so the timing could have been better - ended up having to do a few early mornings to fit it all in. However, got there in the end! Ross had also had several English-speaking visitors to the factory, so was kind of obliged to entertain them, as well as running the factory.

Highlights of the last couple of weeks include Felix's year 4, 5 and 6 disco - it seems that Felix, Flynn and another lad attracted a sizable croud doing their acrobatic stunts (you can see that they're really not ready for girlfriends yet!!). Felix tells me that he nearly tried a back-flip - so glad he didn't as he's never attempted this off a large squigy gym mat, so I think we'd have ended up with our first trip to A&E!

There there was the school end of year 'do'. For this we got a babysitter, and paid a huge sum of money for our tickets! However, was in a lovely posh hotel, with as much champagne as you could drink all night long. It was great for Ross to be able to meet people, as mostly it's me meeting the mothers. Baby -sitter cost a small mortgage, but did clean the kitchen which, whilst somewhat embarrasing, did make for a much more pleasant kitchen!

Neve has had a kid's party in 'TAC' (Tokyo American Club - of which we're not members, mainly because it's £18,000 just to join, then there's a monthly fee - but to many of these wealthy banker ex-pats, that's just a drop in the ocean) Anyway, she has experienced the luxury outdoor pool with slides etc. so at least she knows what she's missing!

I have had a couple of 'end of year lunches' with the mums - one for Neve's class, and one for the new parents, it's a very pleasant way to spend an afternoon!

I've got friendly with a few Australians, and they have a great club here! On Friday I went to the Australian society annual wine-tasting, which turned out, as you'd expect, to be a somewhat alcoholic affair. Good news for me was that Ross was out with clients, and got back in time for the babysitter, so I was able to stay and drink beer, and caught (really only just, skin-of-teeth caught) the last train home!

Last Sunday, Felix's class had a picnic in the park - very pleasant, although Ross buggered off early to do some work! Felix had a lovely time prooving that he could climb the highest up the tree, playing softball, and then showing off that he can ride his unicycle!

Tomorrow is crazy hair day for the kids, and end of term is Friday, so it will all quiten down then. Most of the mothers and kids, it seems, go back home for the Summer, so it's gonig to be a very different atmosphere.

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