Thursday 10 June 2010

Trip to Hong Kong

Hi All, Ross here. I went to China this week on a business trip, we travelled via Hong Kong so it was an opportunity to have alook around a place I'd never been to before. The company we were visiting offered to take us sight seeing the afternoon we arrived.

Our plane landed at 1330 so it was about 1530 by the time we checked in and assembled for our tour of Hong Kong. We were staying in Kowloon so we started by walking down to the harbour. There is a Chinese equivelent of the Holly Boulevard Walk of Fame. The only name I recognised was Jacky Chan. We also saw a bronze statue of Bruce Lee.

We then got on the Sky ferry which took us across the Harbour to Hong Kong island. We walked through the banking district with all the famous banking buildings. From here we took the venicular railway up to the top of the mountain where this is a big tourist shopping area and observation platform. You can see both sides of the isalnd and get really good view of the skyscrappers.

That evening we were taken out to dinner on the 29th floor of a building that faced the skyscrappers. We had a table right by the windows. At 8pm they start a light show that involves all the buildings across the water. Looks like this is the way that the various banks score points over each other by having the flashiest lights. The show included lasers pearched on top of 5 of the buildings.

The next morning we took a ferry boat from Hong Kong, past the Pearl Delta and to a city called Jiangmen which is where the factory is. We spent the day here looking at plastic mouldings.

At lunch time we headed into town for food. We arrived at this great big restaurant and were told we could select our lunch from a whole load of tanks with lots of things wriggling about. Clearly dinner was going to be very fresh. Our host chose a load of things for us. We have a private dinning room complete with sofas and TV. Apparently all very Chinese. I survived the bush tucker trial including the KFC snake!

At the end of the day we took the ferry back to Hong Kong. That evening we ate out at Al Pasha which was a Turkish style restaurant complete with Belly Dancers. All very cool. Next day, up early for plane back to Japan.

Neat part of coming back into Japan is that now I have a residents permit I no longer have to queue up in the visitors lane at immigration.
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