Monday 27 December 2010

Thailand Day 10

Today we went Elephant treking in the jungle. We met the elephants besides the road where they have a platform to make it easy to climb aboard. We had a mother and daughter pair along with a very playful baby elephant that came along for the walk. The baby had not yet been to elephant training school so was not so well behaved which made for good entertainment.

Julie and Neve had on elephant and me and Felix had the other. At first we sat in the proper seat but then the Mahoot let us take it in turns to sit on the elephants neck which was much more fun.

At the end of the walk we crossed a river before dismounting from the elephants, here we were able to feed the elephants sugar cane as a reward.

Next we were driven to a local temple on top of the hill. From here we could look down on Mae Hong Son. We had a really a good view including the airport from which we would fly back to Chiang Mae the next day.

We then went shoping to the local supermarket to buy a wok. We got a proper Thai wok with special cooking utensil for 450 baht which is about £10. Now we can practise out Thai cooking when we get back to Japan.

After lunch we had a couple of hours to explore the town before heading back to the resort to swim and have dinner.
Meeting our elephants

What a big nose you have...

Julie and Neve ready for the walk

Felix and I heading down the road

Beware Elephants. Not something you come across on the UK roads

Arty shot

Felix riding on the elephants neck

Neve in charge of the elephant. Keep an eye on what the baby is up to

Gimme the hat

Cute baby elephant

Feeding the elephants sugar cane

The elephants then had to cross back over the river but the baby still wanted to play

Bye bye

Another temple

Each gold leaf had a message written on it

View of the hills

View of Mae Hong Son

This is the Nok Air plan that we will take to Chiang Mae the next day

Temple by lake that you can see in the aerial photo

Relaxing by the pool
Resort pool with restaurant in background. Restaurant was besides the river
These are the bungalows that we stayed in

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mackens...looks and sounds like you had a different and fun christmas. The snow has been amazing here...just about gone today after about 10days. Never known it so cold hence the snow stayed very good and not slushy until today. Christmas and boxing day were lovely and sunny and so it was like being in a ski resort! I have a red brindle boxer called Archie staying with us for two weeks while his owners are in Kenya...they managed to get away from Gatwick on christmas eve! Happy New Year to you all. Thanks for the ecard i take it Felix has got over being turned into an elf now!! Dave & Sally
