Wednesday 29 December 2010

Thailand Day 12

Early start today to take the plane back to Bangkok. When we arrived in Bangkok we were met by our driver who drove us the 4 hour journey to catch the ferry to Ko Samet. We had to wait a while for the next ferry so we had lunch in the ferry port. The journey to Ko Samet took about 30 minutes on board an old wooden boat operated by our holiday resort. The guests sat on the top deck whilst hotel staff going to work and all the goods had to go on the bottom deck.

When we arrived at the dock we were collected by pick up truck and driven the 5 minutes journey to our resort. The hotel was really smart. It had small bungalows in the grounds, a private beach and a restaurant/bar just behind the beach.

After getting booked in we went straight to the beach for a swim. The resort is called Sai Kaew which means crystal sand so there was lots of white sand. It was a lot hotter than Jiang Mai.

At the end of the afternoon all the bars clear away the sun loungers and replace them with rugs, cushions and tables so they can serve food.

John took us to a restaurant on the beach for dinner where we could relax and sit on cushions. Part way through dinner a young lad turned up to do a fire show. It seems that there is a whole gang of them that entertain at the restaurants during the evening. The kids spent the evening  getting wetter and wetter in the sea until by the end of the night they were soaking.

Dinner waiting for the ferry

Setting off from the harbour for Ko Samet

View of the ferry port

On the front of the boats they always have flowers for good luck

This is the dock on Ko Samet

Reception at our hotel. It was very posh

Waiting to go for dinner


This is the hotel bar and restaurant at night 

At night the beach bars all put lights and tables out on the beach to serve dinner

Felix and Neve relaxing on the comfy cushions

Typical beach restaurant

Hula hooping with fire

More fire, this time balls on the end of chains

Felix and Neve plus friend, paddling turned into full on swim

A little wet

The restaurant at our hotel was a little smarter than all the others

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