Saturday 25 December 2010

Thailand Day 8

Christmas Day! Merry Christmas

We were awoken very early in the morning (before dawn) to the sounds of squeeling pigs, crowing cockerals and other start of day noises in our village. John our guide called us for breakfast at 0730. We had American Breakfast with pancakes. Felix managed to eat three pancakes with banana's.

Whilst we packed, the kids went off to see what village animals they could befriend. After chasing the pigs around for 20 mins they found that the next door neighbours had some puppies that were a whole lot easier to catch.

We were then ready to set off on our days treking so we loaded our big bags into the four wheel drive and then walked out of the village into the forest following our guide Mr Boon.

We walked for 2-3 hours through the woods before reaching a small house in the fields where we had sandwiches for lunch. After lunch the family that owned the hut appeared with a load of bamboo that they were making into basket weavings materials. There was four generations of the same family all working together to cut up the bamboo.

After lunch we went to the caves. There was a small hole in the cliff which you had to crawl through and then you emerged into a much bigger cave. It took us about 20 mins to walk to the end of the cave. We were the only people in there. We were using the Xmas head torches that Santa had brought.
After leaving the cave (Felix managed to get a huge bruise on his back standing up too soon after leaving the entrance to the cave) we walked for a little longer in the forest and then arrived at the next village we were staying in.

We had a similar bamboo hut to stay in and once again the village market appeared esepcially for us. There is only so much locally woven scarfs that you can buy. This time we left a number of the sellers with out a purchase.

Before dinner John the guide took us for a walk around the village to see what life was like living there.

For dinner our chef prepared chips for starters which the kids throught we most impressive. This was then followed by the usual selection of delicious Thai curry.

Pancakes for breakfast

Felix eating his third banana pancake

The Kitchen!

At last Felix managed to catch an animal

These were the kids to whom the puppies belonged

Neve managed to catch the cuteist of the puppies

The pig that got away

Tree hugging. This was huge rubber tree

Julie stood beneath a really old gnarly tree

Smile for the camera. Felix fell off the log into the river just as I was about to take the photograph

Felix climbing out the river with slightly wet feet

Picking wild chillies with Mr Boon

This tree had an ancient bamboo ladder up the side. Apparently they used to climb to the top of the tree to collect honey.

Many of the villages keep water buffalo

Lunch time sanwiches in one of the villagers huts

After lunch the family arrived and started cutting up bamboo to make baskets

Entrance to the cave

Felix and Neve going into the cave

Neve coming into the cave

Once inside it got really big

Felix found a spot where you could squeeze inside the rock formations

A giant stalactmite

Market number 2 arriving out our hut. We managed to buy 4 scarfs and then decided that was enough

Going walk about the village at sunset

Felix and Neve in the bedroom. Note the mosquito nets

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