Thursday 30 December 2010

Thailand Day 13

We booked onto a boat trip to go looking around some of the other islands and to go snokeling. Our boat had 25 people on board and set off from our beach. The local boats are made of wood but look like fancy fibre glass boats. They do however typically have two big outboard motors strapped on the back so they can move pretty quick. Our captain took us first to another island for swimming snorkeling and lunch. They brought kebabs to bbq on the beach plus rice and fruit. After lunch we got back on our boat and cruised around a couple of other islands before stopping on a rocky reef for more snorkeling.

The crew fed rice to the fish to get them to surround the boat. At one point Felix was swimming totally surrounded by fish with the crew throwing more rice on top of him.

We then went to another beach for more swimming and sun bathing. Final stop on our journey was the fish farm. Some of the tanks contained huge fish up to 2 metres long. In the photos below it's hard to judge the size.

The boat then dropped us back off at our beach at the end of the day.

For dinner we went to a restaurant that has a band and fire show each night. The band played lots of well known songs. The fire show involved around 10 guys who clearly have a lot of fun doing their jobs. The MC must have learnt his english in the east end of London and was very funny to listen to. The end of the show involved them all swinging fireworks on chains around them.

Afterwards they set up a flaming limbo bar which we could have a go at. The bar then got progressively lower. The reward was a small tot of rum. First time through, Julie drank the rum. Second time through for Felix managed to get offerred and drink the rum before anyone noticed. Oops.

Beach number 1, very popular with all the tourist boats

Cool line up of speedboats

Felix and Neve snorkeling in the shallows. There were lots of small bits of coral on the beach

This swing was set up just behind the beach. Check out the 6 pack!

Felix and Neve on the swing. Neve has no knickers on

Lots of tourists looking around the fish farm

The guy in yellow is one of our boat crew. He was lifting the nets up to bring the fish right up to the surface

Ugly fish coming to look at Felix

Small turtle

This guys t-shirt says 'are you gansters, no we are Russians' We thought this was very funny because all of the Russians you see on holiday look like gansters.

These fish were at least 2m long

Pretty sunset

Dinner on the beach with cushions for seat

The band


Leader of the fire group. He spoke great east end english

Swinging fireworks on chains

I limbo under the flaming bar to claim tot of rum

Felix doing limbo

Felix doing limbo again, just before grabbing the tot of rum

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